Tammy Howe

Some of my most cherished memories of Curtis Lake involve the different home teams I have been a part of over the years. Home teams have been a crucial part in my faith, helping me to realize the importance of fellowship and growing my relationship with God through the different studies. There have been lasting relationships formed through our many home team adventures, from mini golf, bowling, apple cider making, to hiking... to name a few. 

One particular trip that sticks out to me was a hike up Burnt Mountain Trail.  Silly me, I have asthma and forgot my inhaler!  Instead of waiting at the bottom, my home team friends climbed super slow with me, resting as much as I needed on our ascent, until we made it to the summit!  The love of Jesus in every step!

Tammy Howe is the office manager at Howe & Howe. She lives in North Berwick with her husband Geoff and their two sons, Geoffrey and Joshua.

Year submitted: 2021