camp curtis Lake

2025 is going to be a great summer!

5We are so excited about Camp Curtis Lake 2025! Our staff has planned some great activities that include sports, arts & crafts, outdoor living skills, team building, STEM activities, and Bible time. We are confident that your child will learn new skills in a healthy and safe environment, meet new friends, learn to think critically and problem solve, and build long-lasting relationships with other children and staff.

On-site activities

Here at camp, we offer six different activities every day, tailored appropriately to age, that teach a variety of skills. Those activities are:

  • Sports: Children will have the opportunity to play games they love as well as learn new ones.
  • Arts & Crafts: We want to help children express themselves creatively, as well as be introduced to proper and safe use of new tools.
  • Team-building: Children will have the opportunity to perform challenging tasks with peers
  • Outdoor Living Skills: Exploring nature in a safe environment and learning skills such as building forts and cooking food over a fire.
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Activities: An opportunity for children to become creators, thinkers, problem solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors.

Tuition rates/registration/login

The School Age Child Care program utilizes ProCare to manage registrations. If this is your first Camp Curtis Lake experience and you wish to enroll your child, select the New Campers button. If you are the parent of a currently enrolled child, select the Returning Campers button.

Frequently asked questions

  • Our doors open at 7:00am. When dropping your child off before 8:30am, you will sign them in at the front desk and they will be escorted into the gym. After 8:30, the campers will be transitioning to the field for Opening Ceremonies and then transitioning to their activities. The front desk receptionist will help you determine where your child needs to be. Please make every effort to drop your child off between 7:00am and 8:30am so they don't miss any of the day's fun.

  • We are doing Sanford's food program again this summer, so your child does not have to bring a lunch. However, if they do choose to, our policy states that it needs to be a cold lunch. We cannot heat up or cook food in the microwave. We will serve an afternoon snack.

    We are a Nut Aware facility. 

  • Children should wear weather-appropriate clothing as well as sneakers. We hold several activities throughout each day where sneakers are required. Children should also bring sunscreen and will have several opportunities throughout the day to reapply.

  • Children should bring sunscreen, a water bottle, a bathing suit/towel, and a change of clothes. They can, but are not required to, bring snacks. We strongly advise that children do not bring toys or electronics to camp They are not allowed to carry them around throughout the day. They cause a distraction for the child and are open to getting lost or stolen. 

  • Our camp day runs until 4:00pm and extended camp runs until 6:00pm. Pick-up between these two times is preferred.

  • No,. We ask that children not bring spending money on field trips.