terri richer

Ten years ago, I traveled to Ethiopia at the invitation of a friend leading the trip.
In a culture where people show love by giving gifts, I have received many over the years that I treasure. The very first is special; it was from a young boy around eight years old who took a soccer band from his arm and put it on mine. The knitted band was special to him as he loved soccer and it was during a tournament season. I suppose it was his way of letting me know he enjoyed our time with his family as we spent the evening cooking, laughing, and sharing a meal.

Over the next nine years, I’ve made a point to visit this boy, and I’ve watched him grow into a respectable young man who is now a photographer/videographer and a great soccer player! This boy is one of many I consider family now. I'm glad I said, “Yes, I will go!”

Terri lives in Sanford with her husband, Scott. She works in the family business, is learning to speak Amharic (the primary language in Ethiopia), and serves as the Global Outreach Coordinator at Curtis Lake.